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tips on time management for salespersons

Feb 24, 2023

B2B Sales: 3 Time Management Tips Perfect for Prospecting

Joseph headshot 00
by Joseph Wells
As a B2B salesperson, your job is to identify potential clients and turn them into customers. 
With so many tasks and responsibilities on your plate, it can be difficult to focus on the most important task at hand: prospecting. Prospecting is the lifeblood of any successful sales organization, and it can also be incredibly time-consuming.
To be effective at prospecting, you need to be able to manage your time efficiently and effectively. In this blog post, we’ll explore three time management tips for B2B sales prospecting. We will review the importance of time management in sales prospecting, how to prioritize for sales impact, what time blocking means, and how to utilize automated sales methods to generate returns and nurture relationships. 

B2B Sales Time Management Tip #1: Prioritization

Prioritization involves identifying the tasks that are most important to your sales goals and focusing on them first.
Effective prioritization is a crucial skill for professionals, and it can be even more important when it comes to inbound sales. Inbound sales prioritization involves determining which inbound leads and opportunities are most likely to convert into sales, and focusing your time and resources on those opportunities first.

Lead Scoring

b2b sales leads all follow a different path graphic
One key aspect of inbound sales prioritization is lead scoring. Lead scoring is the process of assigning a score or ranking to each inbound lead based on factors like their level of engagement with your company, their industry and job title, and their specific needs and pain points. 
By using lead scoring, you can quickly identify which leads are most likely to convert into sales, and prioritize your outreach accordingly.

Pipeline Management

Another important aspect of inbound sales prioritization is pipeline management. Inbound leads can come in through a variety of channels, including website forms, chatbots, and social media. It's important to for tracking and managing these leads throughout the sales process, so that you can quickly identify which opportunities are worth pursuing and which are not.
In addition to lead scoring and pipeline management, there are a number of other skills and strategies that can help with inbound sales prioritization. These might include:
  • Setting clear goals and metrics: By setting specific sales goals and tracking your progress towards those goals, you can ensure that you're focusing your time and resources on the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your bottom line.
  • Creating buyer personas: By creating detailed profiles of your ideal customers, you can better understand their needs and pain points, and prioritize your outreach accordingly.
  • Using data to inform your decisions: By analyzing data from your website, social media, and other channels, you can gain valuable insights into which inbound leads and opportunities are most likely to convert into sales.
Overall, effective time management includes sales prioritization. It is critical for success in inbound sales. By focusing your time and resources on the most promising opportunities, and using tools like lead scoring and pipeline management to help you make informed decisions, you can maximize your prospecting efforts and more efficiently drive sales for your company.

B2B Sales Time Management Tip #2: Time Blocking

b2b salesperson juggling different tasks
Time blocking is a time management technique that involves setting aside specific blocks of time for specific tasks. This technique can be incredibly effective for B2B sales professionals who want to focus on prospecting.
To use time blocking effectively, start by identifying the times of day when you’re most productive. For many people, this might be early in the morning or late in the afternoon. Once you’ve identified your most productive times, block off those times on your calendar for prospecting tasks.
During your prospecting time blocks, focus exclusively on prospecting tasks. This might include researching potential clients, sending emails, or making phone calls. By dedicating specific blocks of time to prospecting, you’ll be able to focus on this important task without distractions or interruptions.

Using Inbound sales tactics in your time-blocking strategy

Incorporate inbound sales tactics into your time-blocking strategy by setting aside additional time for creating and promoting content to attract potential customers to your business. This might include writing blog posts or articles, creating infographics or videos, or developing other resources that will appeal to your audience. If you don’t have enough bandwidth, it may be time to
Inbound sales tactics also nurture leads over time by providing them with additional resources and information that will help to build trust and credibility. This might include sending out targeted email campaigns, offering webinars or other educational events, or providing personalized follow-up based on specific lead behaviors or interests.
Ultimately, the combination of time blocking and inbound sales tactics is a powerful approach for B2B sales professionals who want to maximize their productivity and efficiency. By using these techniques together, you can focus on prospecting activities, attract and nurture high-quality leads, build a strong pipeline of potential customers, and drive more sales for your business.

B2B Sales Time Management Tip #3: Automation

increased sales efficiency with automation
Automation is a time-saving technique that can be incredibly effective for B2B sales professionals who want to streamline their prospecting efforts. With automation, you can automate many of the repetitive tasks associated with prospecting, freeing up your time to focus on more important tasks.
Inbound automation takes this concept one step further, allowing B2B sales professionals to automate many aspects of their inbound marketing efforts as well. Using marketing automation tools, such as , Marketo, or Pardot, you can automate , , and even some aspects of the sales process.
For example, you can set up automated email campaigns that send targeted messages to leads based on their interests, behaviors, and other data points. This can help to keep leads engaged and move them through the sales funnel more quickly, without requiring you to manually send each email.
You can also use automation to score leads based on their level of engagement and readiness to buy. This can help you prioritize your time and focus on the leads that are most likely to convert, while also helping you avoid wasting time on leads that are not yet ready to buy.
Automation can help you track your results and analyze your data more efficiently. By setting up automated reporting dashboards, you can easily track key metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and sales pipeline activity, without having to manually pull data from multiple sources.
Inbound automation can be a powerful tool for B2B sales professionals who want to streamline their prospecting efforts and save time. By automating many of the repetitive tasks associated with prospecting and inbound marketing, you can free up your time to focus on more important tasks, while also driving more leads and sales for your company.


Prospecting is one of the most important tasks for any B2B sales professional, but it can also be incredibly time-consuming. By using effective time management skills like prioritization, time blocking, and automation, you can maximize your prospecting efforts and increase your chances of success.
Remember, effective time management is all about making the most of your time and focusing on the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your sales goals. By mastering these time management skills, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top-performing B2B sales professional.

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