EST 1980
May 25, 2021

Why Email Marketing Should Still Be a Part of Your Company's Marketing Strategy in 2021.

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by Megan McGinnis
The iconic “You’ve Got Mail” sound has been imprinted in our memory since the 1990s. A variation of that sound is still used today as an email notification, and I'm sure most of you can hear it in your sleep. 
Email communication is used in a variety of different businesses, no matter the industry. While it’s drastically changed from its inception, the fact is, it’s not going away anytime soon. 
Let’s talk through some of the changes we’ve seen in modern email marketing and how you can overcome common misconceptions to get your email marketing up and running.
1. Have you given up on email marketing under the assumption that no one actually opens them anymore?
  • Email marketing still brings in leads - Here’s why it’s one of the most valuable channels for most businesses in 2021. 
  • There are 3.9 billion daily email users and this number is expected to climb to 4.3 billion by 2023. () That’s 400 million reasons to get into email marketing. 
    1. 89% of marketers say that email is their primary channel for lead gen ()
    2. For every $1 spent, the return is $44 ()
  • Use email marketing as one of your touch points - depending on your buying cycle, it can often take 7-10 touch points for a lead to convert to a customer. Use email marketing as one of these touch points to stay top-of-mind and deliver relevant information to help in the decision-making process. 
2. Don’t have an email marketing list? 
It doesn’t matter how good your email content is, if you’re sending it out to the wrong people your campaigns won’t be successful. Your email list needs to be full of qualified leads who signed up to receive your email content. It’s easy to want to resort to paid lists, but in fact, paid lists go against email provider policies and are not allowed to be uploaded for bulk email sends. 
So what if you don’t have a list? Where do you start?
  • Current clients - it’s a good idea to have an email list of your existing clients for company-specific news. Use this list to run promotions, talk with your clients about upgrades or new technologies you now offer, or even community-type news. We saw these lists come in handy when delivering company-specific news regarding COVID-19 updates/regulations. Up-selling to current clients can often be low-hanging fruit, since the relationship has been established and you understand the company’s goals.
Pro-Tip - less is often more with current clients. Remember, this isn’t a cold sales pitch; you’ve already established a relationship with these individuals. You’re not starting at square one, and neither should your email content. 
  • Partners - generate a list of your partners and market influences. The content geared towards this audience will be different and less promotional. It is often a good idea to send out company resources or premium content pieces that your partners can then share on your behalf. 
  • Webinar signups - creating events and webinars that people need to sign up for is a great way to gather interested leads. By providing them with a valuable resource, you open the door to start the conversation on the webinar topic and follow up with relevant info on that webinar. 
  • Gated content - if a resource has enough value, prospects will enter their information to receive the premium content. You can then follow up with these individuals to see if the resource was helpful and if they need any additional information on the topic. 
Pro tip - make sure your lists are segmented, and you’re sending relevant information to each list. The content geared towards current clients will be very different from the email content you send to webinar attendees. 
Now that you’ve started to gather contacts for your marketing list, don’t forget to evaluate and scrub your email list continuously. Every year, or more ideally, every quarter, take a look at your sending statistics and remove unengaged contacts (bounced emails, unopened emails…) or emails that are invalid to keep your list in tip-top condition. 

3. Is your email marketing performing?

  • Clear CTAs - The user needs to understand the purpose of the email in only a few seconds. Make sure you provide a clear CTA to drive users to a specific endpoint. When too many options are included, the waters can get muddied on the email’s intention. 
  • Keep it Simple - Now more than ever, you need to capture people’s attention and deliver the message as quickly as possible. Don’t overcomplicate your messaging and CTAs. 
Pro-Tip - incorporate plain text emails into your strategy for a clean and concise touchpoint.
  • Promotions - including promotions are a great way to engage your audience. Create promotions that are only distributed through email marketing to segment and track ROI. Promotions often resonate well with B2C companies. 
  • Subject lines - get creative with subject lines. This is an excellent opportunity to show the personality of your company. Test several different variations until you find what works best for your target audience. If your subject line doesn’t catch the attention of your segmented list, the content of your email doesn’t stand a chance. 
Pro-tip - think about what subject lines you use in your everyday emailing correspondence. What makes you click and open an email vs. letting it sit idle in your inbox?
Still on the fence about email marketing? Do you not have the team to construct meaningful content? Not sure where to start? Contact one of our marketing experts to help answer any specific questions or talk through any hesitations you might still have.